Cramer's Homepage

      Name: Michael Cramer Andersen
     Title: Master Student (stud.scient)  
 Interests: Visualization, Black Holes, Philosophy... 
Activities: Gamma and ASF 

    Office: K13, Rockefeller villa
     Phone: 35325963 
        At: The Astronomical Observatory,
            NBIfAFG - Copenhagen University. 
   Address: Rockefeller Instituttet
            Juliane Maries Vej 30 
            2100 København Ø

    E-mail: [email protected]

Priv. add.: Fredensborg Kongevej 28
            2980 Kokkedal, Denmark
     Phone: 20274104 (mobile)

      Born: April 9th 1972. 
Girlfriend: I'm working on it...

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This semester I'm planning the subject of my master thesis together with my supervisor Birgitta Nordstrøm and Johannes Andersen. Try my 3D-interactive Solar System (on a Silicon Graphics machine) or my Web-exhibition about Black Holes.

This homepage ( ) was last updated feb 1997 by [email protected]